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Old 12-23-2010, 02:00 PM   #83 (permalink)
EcoModding Apprentice
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I disagree with this;

The reason to use MPGe is to compare the efficiencies within the vehicle. Not to compare the entire energy cycle.
Most people (me included) would probably say, "MPGe compares the cost in electricity versus gas."

Maybe I shouldn't disagree, maybe MPGe IS to compare the efficiencies within the vehicle... It's just that I don't care about that only, it's a neat parlor trick but the real story is hidden behind a giant curtain. It's the same as a hydrogen powered car, "great! no emissions at the tail pipe." If we all drove hydrogen powered cars would we end CO2 emissions? No. In the end we (as a planet) would be worse off driving hydrogen powered vehicles today.

I'm surprised you don't want to compare the entire energy cycle?!?
I'm also surprised electric plants seem so inefficient! dcb??

The TW4XP has about 85% plug-to-wheel efficiency.
I couldn't verify this, I assume its true. So it's 92.2% efficient at charging and 92.2% at running?

Once you have a renewable energy source, then you don't even have to worry about how efficient it is.
Maybe if it was an unlimited, totally clean, instantaneously renewable resource. I'd still probably wonder what the catch was.

Jokingly: Does anyone think oil IS a renewable resource? I mean has the planet stopped making it? Also to be truly carbon neutral shouldn't we drill, pump and burn all the oil we can, there by "releasing" the CO2 trapped for billions of years by prehistoric plants? - I'm joking, but maybe something to think about?

I think we all have our individual points of view or preconceived ideas. Mine include the efficiencies of turbo-diesels and hydraulic regenerative braking, minimal frontal area and aerodynamics.

We also have our own "strengths" and "weaknesses". But those weaknesses aren't truly weaknesses because each of us shares them with millions of others on this planet. I was blasted for not knowing the most efficient heat transfer device, but so what? I'm not an engineer. I'm a designer. I visit this site primarily to learn, and maybe to share some thoughts that may be of some benefit.
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