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Old 12-23-2010, 02:56 PM   #85 (permalink)
EcoModding Apprentice
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Ha Ha

The reason that I have heard stated against MPGe is that it isn't "fair" to ignore the source of electricity -- and for pollution considerations, I agree. BUT, the *same* thing must be applied to gasoline, to be completely fair.
I now tell my kids the exact same thing my dad used to tell me "Life ain't fair!" I don't know if its fair or not. I'm interested in CO2 emissions, cost per mile (including purchase price and repairs/replacement), and lowering dependence on foreign oil. MPGe doesn't really tell me much... Unless it says how much I save per mile versus driving a gaser.

Sounds like I get what you are saying, I think you get what I am saying too. Guess maybe I thought everyone interested in EV was a "crazy" environmentalist. From a per mile energy $ EV is king! I'll give you that. Electric is cheap and driving an EV is too. Buying one? Definately not cheap.

I have begun to think more about the possabilities of an EV, especially with hydraulic regen braking and "boost" assist.

I think IamIan had the best post, he looked at MPGe in like 4 ways... Maybe we need a bunch of MPGe's. MPGe$ how much it cost to drive per mile -vs- gas. MPGe$A how much it cost to drive versus a gas version figuring in the extra initial cost of the EV and the depreciation of car and battery packs. MPGeCo2 could be the carbon footprint version. MPGeBTU could just look at the thermal efficiencies... MPGeMAX could be the range... That doesn't make sense.
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