Originally Posted by sam.george
I drive a 2006 Toyota Highlander Hybrid 2WD. A few days ago, my car just wont start. The techs ran a diagnostic test and the error message is P0A08. . . .
You might want to consider self-maintenance:
- Knowledge - (TIS)
- TechStream-lite - your laptop and the rest from TIS
- tools - metric, VOM, e.t.c.
Originally Posted by sam.george
Can anyone give me any headers as to how this problem can be solved . . .
The TIS manuals for you car would be a good start. When I bought my 2003 Prius, I bought the maintenance manuals and schematics. It has been my roadmap to the car systems.
Originally Posted by sam.george
. . . the cost of a DC converter for my car.
This Toyota shop has many parts 'online'. I have no idea of what the part number but this would be a good place to start:
Genuine Toyota Parts, Toyota World, TRD Supercharger, Toyota Parts, Toyota Accessories, Discounts on Toyota Parts
Bob Wilson