Originally Posted by MrGoSlow
I have just purchased a 2001 Suzuki DR200SE. Suzuki actually advertises this bike as being capable of 105mpg fuel economy. (your mileage may vary!)
After it stops raining, I am excited to get on the road and make some base line measurements to see what this machine can really do. It looks like a great prospect to actually record a triple digit mpg number. 
There is some deferred maintenance to get done first so as to bring everything up to spec.
I am compiling a list of mods which I would like to try as well. If anyone has experience with this bike. Please let me know what you have already learned.
Thanks! RM
I had a 2005 DR200 that I liked a lot, but I sold it to get a WR250 Yamaha for a little more power and the ability to keep a higher average speed on 4 lane divided highways. the things i miss about the DR200 is the range of the 13L [3.4 Gal.] fuel tank, 78 mpg, 217 mile/2.78 gal. the other thing I miss is the low seat height. What I found with this bike was that on two lane roads and gravel roads this bike could keep up with anything that was keeping to the posted speed limit, 60 mph. I sometimes regret selling the bike. depending on what you expect from the bike, I would suggest that you start with some aeromods then go to a bigger front sprocket. look at Craig Vetter's web site, as well as some of the work done on this site. this bike has huge potential for very high FE.