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Old 12-25-2010, 11:42 AM   #1 (permalink)
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Fluid Dynamics, Metalurgy, Math??

Im wondering if there is someone out there who can help me do better then just "eyeball" the cooling vent requirements on my homebuilt trike (the Belaero) Here is what Ill need to cool:

Ev controller
Electric motor
diesel motor.

Ill be using Naca inlets with varying "pipe sizes" the size of the tube that the inlet builds to just under the skin of the trike.

Heres some things I know to help size these things:

Average speed of airflow across all missions: about 42 mph

Diesel 10hp, most of these are used in stationary applications as generators, water pumps, or dc welders. its 415cc and will be running at 80% of its max load.

E motor rated at 30kw for 3 min 10kw continuous. it will see about 10kw worst case for up to 15 - 20 min at a time (climbing hills) (motor claims 93% efficiency so figure 90 real world.

Controller Sevcon Gen 4 claims 95% efficiency. it will be used in both drive and constant generation mode in conjunction with the diesel, so it will see a lot of action. I will have a heat-sink running the length and width of the bottom of it with 1.5" fins.

I'm thinking 2" toward the diesels cylinder head, 2" towards the electric motor, and 6"x1.5" rectangle aiming down the "fin channel" on the controllers heat sink.

Any input on how these calculations work?

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