Originally Posted by todayican
Yeah, thats what I was thinking. everything in the equasion has a temp probe, so it will be a close watch on the temp readings for a while, perhaps some variable openings based on temp.
Id like to watercool the controller and e motor, but its not that kind of design.
One thing I was thinking was to design the outer skin of the car so the fins of the sink were actually outside the skin of the car and in the airflow.
Michael Hackelman ( sp? ) did this with his HONDA Civic EV conversion.The heat sink was atop the hood below the line of sight,ahead of the cowl where the airstream was highly energetic.
Michael has written a very good book on EVs and it might have some good empirical stuff to contemplate.
Also,in the Sticky on mod-data,you should find a reference to Dr. Walter Korff's low-drag cooling system design and inlet architecture.
If you're going to operate the diesel at 80 %,you may just want to use the original radiator or one of equal heat rejection capability,and then play with the ducting,both sides if you can.
PS, the human body develops about 300-Btu/hr at rest.If you can cool the head and neck it will help temper the whole bloodstream for comfort.Successful Solar race cars might give clues as to NACA submerged inlet minimums for driver survival.