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Old 12-27-2010, 06:29 PM   #97 (permalink)
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Project Update ( little baby steps )

Some of us members were discussing aero trailers elsewhere and I wanted to do a general project update.
I failed to locate the Goodyear Racing Eagles which were formerly manufactured for use on the front wheels of NHRA Top-Fuel dragsters.Goodyear is no longer manufacturing these tires.So much for Plan-A.
My default plan is to convert the 2-wheel Viking trailer to a 1-wheeler.I've run such a thing back in the 90s behind the CRX.It pulled great across four states and I averaged 48-mpg at up to 80-mph over Vail Pass,Colorado in spite of two completely burned through vacuum lines behind the carburetor.
The first 2-wheel trailer averaged 50-mpg behind the CRX,out to Los Angeles,California,with the all-up weight of a Ford Taurus on the return leg.And that was with only an 'upper' body and fully exposed axle,U-bolts,shackles,and frames square tubing.
I have the swing-arm,mono-shock,and 17" -wheel from a 1990 HONDA NT-650 Hawk.I will marry this to a home-brewed sub-frame which will mate to the underside of Viking.
I've purchased an H-Rated ( 130-mph ) Dunlop touring radial for the wheel and will do the metal valve stem and speed balance.The tire has a load rating which exceeds the entire weight of Viking and the new axle will be situated further aft with higher 'tongue' loading.
I also sprang for an OEM HONDA swing-arm bolt/nut,as I did not have this part,and being 15-mm,cannot be purchased at any local bolt supply houses .Hardware and tire came to $ 154.00.
This morning I phoned Summit Racing and ordered a new Snell SA 2005 Bell helmet,driveline loop for the T-100,and an 18-ft SIMPSON parachute release cable kit for Viking ( $ 410.00 ).
I have a STROUD 10-ft cruciform drag chute which I am required to run and will form an alcove on the back of Viking to receive the chute pack.
I am also required to provide a link between the T-100 and Viking which will prevent Viking from any 'wagging' should I go sideways and spin on the course.This happened to a driver pulling a U-Haul sport trailer behind a Tall-boy or Lakester a few years ago.No wreck,but USFRA President Jim Burkdoll said it was pretty 'hairy'.
They're gonna try and keep me alive!
I'll also fabricate a tail fin for Viking.The drag penalty will be slight and far over -shadowed by the good it can do as a weathervane to keep me straight down course.
USFRA membership is $40.00 and World of Speed entry is $135.00.That's a week of racing,with medics,air ambulance,and a great group of folks! I'll kick in some for' Save the Salt ',which helps to preserve the salt flats for future generations.
The rest is getting back to fabrication when time and weather permit.
I've taken a second 'job' in Ft.Worth on weekends and when weather shuts down my regular gig swinging a hammer and paintbrush.
September,2011 will come soon enough.I'll see if I can make it happen.A lot,yet not much time,and it will be slow and steady baby steps getting there.
P.S. I'll also restore the damage from the first go-around and test as the original 2-wheel setup to have a comparison.
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