Thread: Eaarth
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Old 12-29-2010, 03:25 PM   #300 (permalink)
t vago
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Originally Posted by NeilBlanchard View Post
If you think that NOVA:

Nova (TV series) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

is on an equal scientific footing as Fox News, then I don't know what to say.
LOL! You think that posting a Wikipedia entry on Nova is going to make things all better! How cute!

Originally Posted by NeilBlanchard View Post
You and I are not climatologists.
True, but irrelevant.

Originally Posted by NeilBlanchard View Post
This is obviously an important issue,
Correction - it was made an important issue only recently. Eaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarth has been getting by just fine for billions of years with climate change.

And the only reason it's important now is because they're trying to pass all sorts of draconian laws restricting people's rights on the basis of a flawed and very disproveable theory.

Originally Posted by NeilBlanchard View Post
and the scientists who are working on it are just like all the other scientists in the world. and if anything, their work is under far more scrutiny than other scientists.
And when they get caught lying, like the scientists at the University of East Anglia (one of only two sources that went into the IPCC report that everybody is crying their heads off over), people are supposed to just brush it off. Never mind, folks, nothing to see here. Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain!

Originally Posted by NeilBlanchard View Post
And when people like E. O. Wilson and Sir David Attenborough and David Suzuki and Bill Nye and Neil deGrasse Tyson and many, many, many, others say that anthropomorphic climate change is real, I tend to believe them.
See, you like to throw names of famous people around, in some attempt to lend weight to your pro-AGW argument. I could never understand how famous people are supposed to make an argument stronger.

Maybe if you use the names of Hollywood actors, then you might gain some ground. Eh?

Besides that, you do a Google search and you'll find just as many climatologists who are opposed to AGW. Quit appealing to authority, and argue AGW on its own merits.

Originally Posted by NeilBlanchard View Post
They outed the people in Korea who claimed to have made clones in about 10 months.
And this has relevance to AGW... How? How is cloning supposed to have relevance to crippling entire economies? How does cloning have to do with politicians burning lots of gas and using lots of resources while telling us that cloning is a danger?