Originally Posted by Frank Lee
100 gal/mo 
The big white brick is part of a fleet of around 100 vans.
I used over $800 in the month of May.
Let's see:
40K mi per yr / 14 MPG / 12 months is right at 240 gal a month.
@$4 thats $960
@$5 thats $1200
X100 vans = $120,000 per month or $1,4400,000
Now that's
Mind you, not everybody can squeek 14MPG out of these things. Lately the cold has me in the high 12s.
Unfortunately boxes of parts and ladders don't fit in Civics. Sorry Brucey, but it takes alot of effort to get those 17MPG tanks I had last summer. That 54 gal per month I didn't burn is probably more than most here use for the same period.
I really wish the Mercedes Sprinters would catch on here in the USA.