Heat tape in a pump house would be the best tool for the job, a light bulb in there is going to do just as much to heat the walls of the pump house as it will do to heat the pipes and the built in thermostat that heat tape has will allow you to only have it come on when needed, paying for it's self in just a few months.
Better yet would be to insulate all around the pump house to keep the ground from freezing, then insulate the walls so the ground keeps it warm and you can skip the electric heat all together.
I don't think that incandescent bulbs will ever completely go away, you will always have a few locations where you want the heat as well as light, like for raising freshly hatched chicks, or where the light is used so seldom that you might as well stick an old bulb in there.
But if I am alone in never having bought a "standard" bulb, I don't think I will be for long, at least I hope not.