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Old 12-30-2010, 02:44 PM   #323 (permalink)
t vago
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Originally Posted by NeilBlanchard View Post
[Edit: If you had watched the NOVA program I linked to about ANDRILL, you would know that I know a fair bit about Antarctica ice.
Sorry, but I don't get my scientific data from a television show.

Originally Posted by NeilBlanchard View Post
You are making things up -- of course the scientists like Richard Ally have all the sun data in their models! What they heck do you think they are doing? They are scientists, and they do their jobs well.]
Sorry, but Dr. Richard ALLEY (if you're going to use a source, at least spell his name correctly) even admits that using BE-10 isotope readings for historical sun output estimation is imperfect. Besides that, we're interested in how the Sun affects recent temperature changes. You can't point to historical estimates based in imperfect indirect measurements, and then claim that the Sun does not affect climate. Especially if you're trying to prove that the 3% per annum carbon dioxide (out of all of the annual carbon dioxide production of the Earth) output by Mankind is somehow impossibly causing a net decrease in ice mass.