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Old 04-23-2008, 11:18 PM   #1 (permalink)
EcoModding Lurker
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Cool When to buy gas???

OK - I admire all of the fuel saving ideas posted, but you (most) still have to buy some gas. --- or alot!
Here's the question - it has been bugging me since the first gas shortage -1970's.
Here goes: Do you fill up your tank when nearly empty or nearly full. It sounds trivial almost a joke but it is a serious problem. Example- since the price is constantly going up you have to pay the new price on the whole tank, even though it was burned weeks ago. effectively you are paying for fuel retroactively at the new price. If you have an empty tank after a few days or weeks the price may change dramatically on the day you buy it and also in between. so you are paying for all gallons used at the higher price.
lets say that you filled up at $2.75. A month later you are empty and you need to fill up at $3.25. So your 20 gallon fill is $65 vs $55. BUT maybe you should have filled up att 1/2 tank at $3.00 x10G= $30 + $3.25x10G=32.5 = $62.5 vs $65. so when the prices are going up you MAY save by filling more often. It's calculator time.

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