The top grill blocks... do need refining. Something like Tango_Charlies may come about. I was considering putting them behind the grill, for better air blocking recently, but packing tape could become a good friend to me for noew. I'll start my fuel log after my current tank. I put in some injector cleaner stuff, so I want to get that through the system before I really start. That, and I need to figure out how to work the trip computer. Plus my winter MPG sucks, plain and simply.
I think I'll put gaff tape over the actual rails to help airflow. You see, I have a parent who will put limits on what I do, and when the talk of selling the crossbars came up, he really didn't want me to take the roof rails off. I see it as a challenge, more than anything, to overcome to improve my FE.
Mirrors might be a challenge, more or less on the parental side. Either a cowl for them, or some smaller ones.
Well my Vibers and I are thinking mid June, so some Ecomodders while there might be fun!