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Old 04-24-2008, 01:21 AM   #13 (permalink)
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There is definitely several loop holes in the way the scan guage measures the TDI. The vag-com system can data log and program with a lap top I believe.
The only person I know that had a vag-com sent it back because he tried to go cheap with third party software and it wasn't warrantied/supported by vag-com.
How the scan measures the load is one big question. The fuel usage has to be measured directly on a diesel because it just goes as fast as it can on whatever fuel it can get. (including it's own crankcase oil).
Other variable is how much fuel is being returned to the tank. It takes two flow meters to measure both supply and return. If they accurately record the amount and duration the injector needle lifts and the pop off pressure on that injector is set properly then I would say they can calculate fuel for that injector. But if they are only checking one injector, then that's another issue. Most cities have diesel injection shops that can test injector and pumps individually. If you replace the nozzles, the pop-off pressures need to be reset, of course. If you change the filter check restriction on the old one before you toss it.
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