Thread: Eaarth
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Old 01-03-2011, 01:44 PM   #363 (permalink)
t vago
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Look, Neil. I can post pretty graphics, too.

That one shows sunspot activity, and it is plainly obvious that sunspot activity went up at about the same time as your global temperatures did, Neil.

Ohh, and lookie here! Carbon-14 changes as solar output does!

The smart folks over here have noted that there appears to be a correlation between galactic cosmic ray output (throttled by solar activity) and earthly cloud formation, too.

More and more studies indicate that variations in solar activity have had a significant influence on Earth’s climate. However the mechanisms responsible for the solar influence is still not known. One possibility is to influence the atmospheric transparency by changing cloud properties via cosmic ray ionisation (the latter is modulated by solar activity). Support for this idea is found from satellite observations of cloud cover. Such data have revealed a striking correlation between the intensity of galactic cosmic rays (GCR) and low liquid clouds ( < 3 km). GCR is responsible for nearly all ionisation in the atmosphere below 35 km. One mechanism could involve ion-induced formation of aerosol particles (0.001- 1 mu in diameter) that can act as cloud condensation nuclei (CCN). A systematic variation in the properties of CCN will affect the cloud droplet distribution and thereby influence the radiative properties of clouds. If the GCR/Cloud link is confirmed, variations in galactic cosmic ray flux, caused by changes in the solar activity could influence Earth’s radiation energy budget. In particular the magnetic flux carried by the solar wind has more than doubled during the last 100 years, at the same time as the global temperature has risen.
So, Neil... Did Mankind cause the Sun to vary, too? C'mon, Neil! Continue to call me a denier! I keep presenting valid scientific arguments to your AGW BS, and you keep denying the arguments even exist!