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Old 01-04-2011, 02:28 AM   #4157 (permalink)
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Digi-Key - 497-5765-1-ND (Manufacturer - STTH3R02QRL)

Digi-Key - P6KE20ADICT-ND (Manufacturer - P6KE20A-T)

By the way, if anyone has found that their serial communications isn't working, it may be because of using 0.1uF caps with a MAX232 chip. It was just pointed out to me by a friend that I had been misreading the max232 datasheet. The max232 datasheet says 1uF caps are required, whereas you can use 0.1uF caps with the max202. But I had sent 0.1uF caps with a max232. I'll order some 1uF and figure out who to send them to. It should be pretty easy to add them to the top of the board without having to desolder the 0.1uF caps.
kits and boards

Last edited by MPaulHolmes; 01-04-2011 at 10:26 AM.. Reason: NOT MAX232!!!
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