best way is to load test them. load it up so about 200 amps are flowing and see how long it takes to drop below 11v. barring a good load tester, not really any good way I know of other than trying it.
Did you ask him why he's getting rid of it?
yes, for a deep cycle keep the amps lower and charge it whenever you aren't using it.
Everstart batteries come from Walmart. Not a fan. my brother had one in his car and it was dead within a year. Unfortunately he was too far from a walmart to get it replaced. now he has an interstate. I know one example doesn't seal the case but I've heard dozens of problems with them. That's also starting batteries, not deep cycles.
-2003 Subaru Baja 2.5 5MT
-2005 Subaru Baja 2.5T 5MT
-1994 Pontiac Firebird 5.7 V8/6MT
-2001 BMW R1200c
-1970 VW Beetle
-2015 Prius (for the wife)
"You don't get to blame me for how I fix what you broke."