Originally Posted by jamesqf
And why would you use resistance heating, when with a heat pump you'd get 4X as much heat per KW?
Yeah, I know 50% or more energy is lost. The propane delivery trucks are pretty inefficient too. I just have not seen complete energy analysis that shows propane is better. For cost efficiency sure I know average electric is 11-12 cents. But for many people it's about half that "off-peak" and about double (over 25 cents) "on-peak". That's why I was careful to point out you can't beat propane automatically unless you use timers to take advantage of peak pricing and run it strictly at night and on the weekend. The power plants have surplus nighttime capacity which seems to go to waste.
I found "small" heat pumps for a single room that vent out a window but they are about 600 bucks. The are not rated for use below 40F. I would gladly pay if they could run down to -10F and had a 10 year warranty. It would probably beat resistance heat, but I think most heat pumps are freon-based and have moving parts and will fail too quickly for the average homeowner. Does that sound right?