Thanks for the info Metro !
If you were to take a trip in which it was all highway speeds of 65 MPH for several hundred miles, and you used cruise control and never used E.O.C. or other tricks, would you actually get a 95 or so MPG average at the end of the trip ?
Sorry for repeating myself, but I'm dense. So if you were to fill up your tank with gas, accelerate onto the freeway and then use the cruise control set at 65 MPH, a trip that would have very little to no wind, and no hills would net you 95 MPG when you pull into the gas station at your destination several hundred miles away? ( Let's assume you wouldn't have to accelerate to get to the station. )
Thanks !
( BTW, What about the Lexan vs Plexi question ? Based on the images from your wreck, the stuff doesn't shatter at all like Plexi does and looks really strong. But does it scratch easily like Plexi ? )