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Old 01-04-2011, 07:22 PM   #21 (permalink)
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I'm an ecovillan I use incandensant lights often because I use them rarely and usually only for a few minutes, most of the time I leave all the lights off.

Also when I go into the -20 deg garage and I want to grab a tool in a few seconds I don't want to have to wait an hour for the light to brighten so I can just shut it off after completing my errand.

It also seems that my 8+ year old incandensants seem to be outlasting all my compact fluoresants. Seems like the most I've ever gotten out of one is 2 years before it dies, very irritating.

My folks also do small time ye olde fashion computer portraits in the summer (the old cloth wanted posters) and are stocking up on spot lights for the camera. Non-incandensant bulbs make everybody look blue or purple
Its amazing a 23year old computer can still do really nice photos but then again it was $25k new.

I plan on stocking up a bit on 40-100watt light bulbs, I figure a couple dozen should last me the next 15 years or so (as long as I don't drop them when the light fixture fails and I move the bulb to another). Most regular light bulbs I've had fail is because of something I did, not that it burnt out.


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