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Old 01-04-2011, 08:42 PM   #1 (permalink)
Ultimate Fail
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Question OT : Advice on creating a simple web site

O.K. so this is way off topic here, but a lot of you guys are very knowledgeable about things such as web site creation and such.

I am trying to create a simple web site where I can place some of my art for sale. I just need a simple, free ( but professional looking - so not too 'canned' looking ) site that i can have several images on one page along with a description below it.

I tried creating a blog with Blogger and it seems to be O.K. except that I can't figure out how the have a page with multiple images side by side.

I'm never learned HTML, and have a hard time with all of this.

This is what I have so far : Shelterarts: Art to help animals

So does anyone know of any easy to use make it yourself without HTML knowledge type of sites ?

I'll even consider sites that are not free if they are easy to set up for dummies.
( I tried iWeb and MobileMe since i'm on a Mac, but that all seems like Apples $100 a year clone of the free GeoCities type of sites. )

Thanks for any advice

So back on topic ... how'bout that boat tail

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