hello from belgium
hi everyone,
i've been observing this place for some time, and theres some real interesing stuff here. i found some great info here i wasn't able to find elsewhere on the web.
i'm also active on gassavers.org
i've been driveing for FE for about 2 years not and did some aeromods to my vehicle but have curently switched vehicles so i'm basically starting over. from scratch but with some experience under my belt
i curently just started driveing a 1995 opel vectra a hatchback wich already has a sweet 0.29 Cd, but this could go lower... i'm planning deflectors in front of the tires and a partial indertray so that the underbody arerodynamics are a bit improved...
i'm looking forward to discussing some ideas andlearing some tips
aer·o·dy·nam·ics: the science of passing gass
*i can coast for miles and miles and miles*