Originally Posted by jpgmtech
BTW, in my opinion (haven't done the research to gather the data to back this up) the major contributor to smog (NOx, particulates) is the diesel engine. They have started to clean up in trucks since mid-2004, but think of all of the pre-2004 diesels out there! They were not even required to have a PCV, no TWC (three-way cat), no EGR, just raw particulates, NOx and HC's being thrown out the tailpipe! And usually in huge quantities as they are mostly large engines...
However diesels are getting much better with 2007.5 requirements, and we can look forward to more improvements 2010.
Suffice to say that a modern OBDII gasoline engine is far far cleaner than the worst emissions offenders.
You are quite right that diesels are a much larger polluter of NOx when compared to gasoline engines. I just still see the effects of NOx as horrible. At the very least I would go have a 5 gas analysis done to make sure my NOx emissions weren't too out of check. I'd be happy increasing FE by 10% if NOx goes 10%, but not if NOx increased faster than FE.
I look forward to the GM hybrid review and the break down of the FE per alteration.