Thread: Eaarth
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Old 01-07-2011, 09:52 PM   #429 (permalink)
t vago
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Originally Posted by dcb View Post
you do understand that globally temperatures are rising and that local anomalies are to be expected, right? I'm talking observed trends, not predictions.
You're calling the Northern Hemisphere "local?" Wow.

Besides that, you can point out that global temperatures have been rising in the recent past, from about 1990 onward. However, that does not mean that Mankind carbon dioxide output is definitively proven as the reason why. Harp on greenhouse gas all you want, but the fact remains that there's no causal link showing carbon dioxide makes temperatures rise.

And good luck proving that, when it's been shown that water vapor is anywhere from 2 to 10 times more effective as a greenhouse gas, and there's much more water vapor in the atmosphere than there is carbon dioxide. It is estimated by NOAA that about 12,900 GIGATONS of water is in the atmosphere at any given moment.

Given that, and given the estimate of 750 gigatons of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere at the same time, how can you with a straight face claim that carbon dioxide alone is responsible for the temperature rise? At that, how can you claim that MANMADE carbon dioxide is responsible for this temperature rise?

While we're asking questions to each other that imply a lack of intelligence - You do realize that 12,900 gigatons of water vapor is more mass than 750 gigatons of carbon dioxide, right, acb? You do realize that water vapor is at least twice as effective a greenhouse gas as carbon dioxide is, right, acb?

(Waiting for Neil to come up with some other close-minded AGW zealot source, and pass it off as scientific support for AGW...)

Originally Posted by dcb View Post
Anyway you did not answer my question, so you concede that solar is only part of the story?
I just answered your question. Now, answer mine.

Why do you ignore the effects of water vapor, and belittle the effects of that huge glowing thermonuclear ball hanging about 93 million miles above us?