If you are smarter than the scientists, why don't you publish something and get in on their get-rich-quick scheme?
Sunspots matter, and they have a small affect. But it is nothing like what carbon dioxide does.
The computer models are used to figure out what is happening in real life -- the actual data is used in the models, and they compare the results of the model to both understand what factors are influencing what, and to project "what-if" scenarios.
I think you are confused on how the process works. And I'm fairly certain that you have not got as good a grasp on the myriad of factors and what the actual data is -- as they do. I certainly do not know much about the details and data.
But, the conclusions are there for all to see.
And they can't get the models to agree with each other with any certainty. They can't get the models to correctly predict THE PAST
You say this -- where's your evidence?