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Old 01-09-2011, 12:10 PM   #4190 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by lespaul109 View Post
I guess I am at a loss. Are you saying that my programming the chip was not successful? All I have done is load the HEX file with pony programmer. Can you explain what to do after this point, in layman's terms. I really have no idea what " F8 DC F7 is extended high low" represents.

I will take a stab at it.

Today's microcontrollers have a programming area that configures them for operation. They are usually called "config fuses" or "config bits". They define options such as what speed to run, what voltage to cut off when power drops (called brown out), whether or not to turn on the watchdog timer, and the like. A blank chip comes with default values set, and if the programmer doesn't change them, then the misconfiguration can cause the chip not to operate properly.

Apparently PonyProg does not get the config fuse values from the hex file. So you have to set them manually. Here is a page that I found that describes the process:

Programming AVR fuse bits – oscillator settings - Scientific, embedded, biomedical, electronics contents.

The key fuse for you, which Paul was describing, is to change the chips frequency from 1 Mhz to 16 Mhz.

Hope this helps,

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