Originally Posted by Thymeclock
Thank you for posting this. It is a good illustration of the fact that this is a political movement. Anyone dare to say that this is not a wet dream of the political Left?
Socialism is the watermelon party: What used to be called Red is now called Green.
I have tapped this before, but for the record I am a
socialist myself. Maybe a mild one, but one all the same
I do believe in democracy strongly as well.
I have seen the watermelon comment before (green on the outside, red on the inside) but I don't think its that simple. I don't believe there is a major world conspiracy to grab power for a new elite. The UN isn't clever enough to organise the correct 'non voodoo' science to appear in IPCC reports so they've got bugger all chance of organising a new world order.
Instead I believe there is a trend, a tide if you like, in science which is following the research money and at the same time there are opportunists outside science (in politics for example) who are always ready to exploit the situation for their own ends and these are an all sides of the political spectrum.
The worry I have about things like Carbon Credits and so on is that the people who support this idea are quite happy to embrace the idea of imposing this on all of us without asking, including the suspension of the rights of the public to dissent. And that includes the non-socialist government we have in the UK at the moment.
Its not a right or left thing.
I think if I lived on that Australian island I think I would tell those imposing this experiment to go forth and multiply, I'm surprised the residents being Aussies haven't already. It will be interesting to see how long it lasts before they do, I suspect not too long.