Originally Posted by NeilBlanchard
I think the Dolphin with a big lithium pack, or my CarBEN EV could possibly do this in one day, as well. At 150Wh/mile it would take about 75kWh to drive 484 miles. At 125Wh/mile, the pack would need to be ~60kWh. And at 110Wh/mile it would be ~54kWh; which is the size of the pack I am anticipating having in the CarBEN EV.
I hope we see the CarBEN soon enough to see some range tests, its an impressive project so far. An issue with real world CarBEN may be weight - I'm sure it is light enough but I wonder about the environment.
For info the route from London to Edinburgh is more or less along the coast from Newcastle onwards - and that is the North Sea so lots of cross winds and rain. The last time I drove it I passed a stuck Land Rover, I was in Helga which was worrying...