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Old 01-11-2011, 12:32 AM   #491 (permalink)
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I guess I'll muddy the water.

Question: Is global warming caused by man...???

Answer: Probably not.


Question #2: Can man be responsible for global climate changes...???

Answer: It's possible.

Enter: Weather Modification

Weather Modification is real and is used everyday around the world. The problem is that "we the general public" have no idea when and where it's being used.

Not only that, but by whom ?

Individuals,corporations and governments all play a part in altering weather patterns "weather modification" for there own agendas.

Google "Weather modification" and you get 375,000 hits...!!!

Weather Modification | Agriculture Defense Coalition

Weather Modification

Weather modification has been going on for decades in the United States. It was perfected during the Vietnam War leading to the ENMOD Treaty signed by the United States. However, this has not stopped a whole host of weather modification programs and experiments being initiated or that are ongoing in the U.S.

These exponentially growing programs have no government or public oversight, limited oversight in a very few states which allow them, and no government or public oversight or consent for the rest of them. These programs change the climate, the micro-climates needed for watersheds, trees, and agriculture crop production. NOAA lists some of these programs but most are not listed due to their experimental nature, military classification, university experiments, and failures to notify NOAA by various states, counties, cities, weather modification companies, and private individuals and corporations who are all modifying your weather.

Your local weather forecasters either don't know or don't report ongoing experimental weather modification program letting the public believe that the weather that they are experiencing is unusual but normal. Climate change and global warming are blamed for some weather events by meterologists, those on the Weather Channel, and local newscasters, who don't report current and ongoing weather modification programs, even when they are taking place according to NOAA documents.

Click on the above link and go to the links on the bottom of the page.
(lots to read)

If weather modification were of no concern then there wouldn't have been this.


Convention on the Prohibition of Military or Any Other Hostile Use of Environmental Modification Techniques

Signed in Geneva May 18, 1977
Entered into force October 5, 1978
Ratification by U.S. President December 13, 1979
U.S. ratification deposited at New York January 17, 1980

The States Parties to this Convention,
Guided by the interest of consolidating peace, and wishing to contribute to the cause of halting the arms race, and of bringing about general and
complete disarmament under strict and effective international control, and of saving mankind from the danger of using new means of warfare,
Determined to continue negotiations with a view to achieving effective progress towards further measures in the field of disarmament,
Recognizing that scientific and technical advances may open new possibilities with respect to modification of the environment,
Recalling the Declaration of the United Nations Conference on the Human Environment adopted at Stockholm on 16 June 1972,
Realizing that the use of environmental modification techniques for peaceful purposes could improve the interrelationship of man and nature and
contribute to the preservation and improvement of the environment for the benefit of present and future generations,
Recognizing, however, that military or any other hostile use of such techniques could have effects extremely harmful to human welfare,
Desiring to prohibit effectively military or any other hostile use of environmental modification techniques in order to eliminate the dangers to mankind
from such use, and affirming their willingness to work towards the achievement of this objective,
Desiring also to contribute to the strengthening of trust among nations and to the further improvement of the international situation in accordance with the
purposes and principles of the Charter of the United Nations,

That was over 30yrs. ago. Who knows what our governments are up to and what technologies have been discovered, perfected and implemented since then.

It is entirely possible that governments around the world are using global warming and climate change to push the agenda for their carbon credit scheme through weather modification.

Global Warming: An Effect of Weather Manipulation

Global Warming: An Effect of Weather Manipulation |

We are being told to reduce our carbon footprints in an attempt to reduce the catestrophic effects of global warming. Will this do any good? Until we know the past and future effects of Global Governmental weather manipulation on our climate we cannot take steps to save our planet.

For the past twenty plus years, the planet has been subject to increasingly unusual weather patterns.

Governments are encouraging companies and individuals to reduce their carbon footprints to tackle “global warming” – caused by modern-day energy expenditure.

Is this the whole truth?


Weather control is not sci-fi, it is a reality, yet very little is publicised about it and the long term effects of weather manipulation are an unknown.

In the knowledge that if a country can control the weather, they can control the world, an Environmental Modification Treaty was signed or ratified by 70 of the world governments in 1977 to prevent hostile weather manipulation.

Actions that would contravene the treaty would be: triggering earthquakes, manipulating ozone levels, alteration of the ionosphere, deforestation, provoking flood or drought, use of herbicides, setting fires, seeding clouds, introduction of invasive species, eradication of species, creation of storms, destruction of crops.

Weather control is the ultimate weapon.

Forget nuclear weaponry, bombs, rockets and guns – weather control technology is the new weapon of mass destruction, the technology is the ultimate state / terrorist weapon and / or deterrent.

To assume that in signing the treaty, Governments would completely disregarded weather control research – the ultimate weapon – would be naïve to say the least.

In June 08, the LA Times reported that in response to criticism of the 2008 Olympic Games being held in Beijing, China, during the rainy season, the Chinese Meteorological Bureau’s of weather modification had assured the public that they had set aside, 30 aeroplanes, 4000 rocket launchers, 7000 anti-aircraft guns to modify the weather to prevent rain.

The Chinese weather control would not be in contravention of the treaty, as it would be done without hostile intent, however, it proves that governments have invested in the research and development of weather control techniques.

The above picture is HAARP in Alaska – High frequency Active Aural Research – this is one of at least seven research facilities around the globe.

These facilities were built by the US to monitor the ionosphere, the outer defence of earths atmosphere.

The ionosphere retains the globes warmth and protects the planet from the suns solar flares – variations on any point of the ionosphere can severely affect the weather.

The facility can gather valuable information in respect of the earth’s atmosphere.

However, more worryingly, the facilities have an active capability to superheat specific points of the ionosphere, creating holes or incisions, which then allow solar flares to enter the atmosphere – thus significantly affecting weather conditions below.
Under the remit of serious research, the facilities do not contravene the Environmental Modification Treaty, however the technology has the potential to used as a weapon of mass destruction on a global scale.

Details are available on Effects of HAARP on the Ionosphere

The Government website noted above, confirms that the HAARP facility has been actively tested.

An environmental study was carried out on the Alaskan facility in 1992 which concluded “all of the significant environmental impacts associated with HAARP Alaska can be mitigated to an acceptable level. Some insignificant potential impacts such as loss of habitat, socioeconomic and wildlife impacts may not be mitigated.”

Further explanation of the ominous wording highlighted above, the immediate and long term effects of the use of the facility upon the environment / weather patterns and the military potential of the HAARP system are not listed on the website.

The Russian government have also developed Project Woodpecker- Electron Cyclotron Resonance Heating Method.

The system was developed from experiments carried out by Nickola Tesla into electro magnetism and the potential to use the planets natural electromagnetism as an energy source which could be further developed for use as a powerful weapon.

Woodpecker transmitters emit ELF – extreme low frequency elecro-magnetic pulses.

The transmitters, positioned in facilities around the globe generate an electro-magnetic grid which circumnavigates the globe using natural high density water vapour trails as conductors (essentially five water vapour rivers which naturally occurring in both the North and South Hemispheres of the Earth’s atmosphere).

Disruption in their frequency acts as an early warning system for incoming missiles or aircraft.

Convergence of transmissions on the grid, at any pre-determined point, will disrupt the ionosphere, the release of electromagnetic energy pulses by the transmitters can either be used as a weapon and disrupt weather conditions

The Woodpecker system has the capability to disrupt the path of the Northern Hemispheres Jet Stream Flow – Which can, and may already have had cataclysmic effects upon the world’s weather patterns.

It was reported in the Wall Street Journal on 2nd October 1992, that a Russian Company called “Elite Intelligent Technologies” were selling weather control Technology with the slogan “Weather made to Order”. They claimed to be able to fine tune the weather over a 200 square mile radius for $200.00 per day.

This article only touches upon some of the technology involved in weather control / manipulation. There are many internet sites where weather manipulation and control is being discussed – Please take a look for yourself.

In conclusion, we cannot and must not trust the propaganda regarding global warming – until we are given the full facts regarding the short and long term effects of planetary weather manipulation/ weaponry.

The past and future consequences of weather manipulation cannot no longer be ignored or brushed off as conspiratorial sci-fi.

Until the public takes the time to research this topic for themselves, spreads awareness, loses the apathy and demands answers from who are elected to govern on our behalf, we, our children, and our planet will continue to hang on a precipice of oblivion.

Just something to think about...


Last edited by redneck; 01-11-2011 at 12:39 AM..