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Old 01-12-2011, 03:07 PM   #20 (permalink)
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dcb -

Originally Posted by dcb View Post
obdII solutions do not track fuel usage well on diesels. They assume a 14.1 ratio and watch the mass airflow.

Diesels (due to lack of throttle plate and compression ignition) do not operate at a relatively fixed mixture.

I don't have a good solution for diesels handy, have been thinking about it plenty though.
The SGII supports the following options, so I think the algorithm changes based on the fuel :


The upper 2 buttons can be used to step to the type of fuel used in the vehicle. Pressing HOME will exit the screen and use the fuel selected until the ScanGaugeII is disconnected. Pressing SAVE will place the selection into Flash memory and use the selection until it is changed. DIESELa and DIESELb do not refer to different types of diesel fuel. They only affect the way fuel consumption is computed and are selected based on the way the vehicle computer reports its sensor information. Most diesel vehicles use the DIESELa setting. To determine which your diesel vehicle uses, do the following:
With ENGINE SIZE set, DIESELa chosen for fuel, the engine warmed up to operating temperature and idling in neutral or park, select GAUGE and make one of the gauges show RPM and another show GPH. Note the GPH value. Next, use the throttle to raise the engine RPM to about 1500 RPM. If the GPH reading increased, you have a DIESELa vehicle. If the GPH dropped or stayed the same, you have a DIESELb vehicle and should change the Fuel Type to DIESELb. Hybrid vehicle must choose HYBRID or the ScanGaugeII will go to sleep when the engine automatically shuts off. Propane powered vehicles should use LPG.
PS - This is tangential to what the thread is really about, but I am posting it for the lurkers.


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