Thread: Cycling Noob
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Old 04-25-2008, 11:42 AM   #12 (permalink)
Yaris Cruiser
Join Date: Mar 2008
Location: Nashville
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SO I discovered That the chain skipping was due to a stiff link.... I took the chain off the bike, did a citrus solvent soak then a re-lube with Pedro's Syn-Lube.... I let it soak in over night and I'm gonna wipe off excess today.... While the chain was off I cleaned and lubed the freewheel, and serviced the non freewheel side bearing on the rear tire.... (i don't have freewheel remover tool yet to get at that side bearing.) Just a few more things to do adjustment on.... The front derailer doesn't want to shift to the lowest gear very easily, so I'm gonna do a derailer adjustment on the front and back today, as well as a brake adjustment.... I'm pretty much down to servicing the headset and bottom bracket and I'll have a whole new bike. Whoo! I'll post pictures when it is all cleaned up and purty.
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