Originally Posted by roflwaffle
Saying military appointments are influenced by politics doesn't lead to the conclusion that what the military does is political. The Secretary of Transportation is appointed by the president, but that doesn't mean we have "Republican" or "Democratic" pot holes. 
You missed something in your oh-so-clever retort. I never claimed that the military is apolitical, Neil did. I merely pointed out that politics are involved. I also stated that the military follows the President of the United States. If the President directs that a threat assessment be made due to global warming, then it'll get done, regardless of political persuasion.
And if some senior officer in the military thinks it's a good idea to prepare for the effects of global warming, and has a plausible scenario worked up for a threat assessment to be made, that assessment will also get done. It happens. It's human nature, not a conspiracy.
Besides that, merely stating something is a thread, and developing a threat assessment for that, does not constitute proof of something else. For instance, Kosovo is also identified as a threat, and a threat assessment was also made in the event that Kosovo destabilizes and plunges Europe into war. Does that constitute proof that Kosovo will in fact destabilize? No.