I really appreciate the work everyone is doing for this project.
I also feel super compelled to offer some time for this projects as I can lend some excellent soldering/assembly skills since I majored/degree'd in Electronics repair.
I do have about one month of time that I can set aside for helping someone out with assembling/soldering, but at the end of May, I move back home with my kids and wife and will most likely lose out on a lot of project time.
One side note about my Lean Burn Monitor that I've been working on: I think I'm going to scratch the project as I'm finding out that in order to recoup my time in developing/manufacturing a quality circuit board for it, the price would be driven over $20. My intent with that project was to never go above that cost as the only output of the device is just a simple LED. Maybe I'll just build the Lean Burn Monitor on a per customer basis.
I am totally going to read up more and see about either buying or building one of these once the display issue is settled more. My vote stands for a backlit LCD of a common size.