475 watts of solar cells, diods, wire, flux $225 woudl you?
108 Solar Cells 6" X 6" 475 Watts. W/ Flux, Wire, Diode, Etc.
only $225.00
I am curious if any of you would bite on these, personally given the natural of solar cells I'm not sure if I could justify buying them even if free.
They are new, unused 6x6's meaning they will be very hard to handle if at all.
Anyone think I could pull off a DIY solar panel that lasts more than a year?
From what I remember to build a solar panel you need some very expensive RTV like compound to encapsulate the cell on both sides and a sandwich of tempered glass plates for either side.
These are from a place I have dealt with in the past for a panel and are reputable, I just don't think its possible to make a go of cells anymore.
Also 108 cells is only 54v nominal, enough to barely trickle a 48v pack or charge a 36v sting