I just got this in the mail today:
A 100 amp ANL fuse and fuse-block for the batteries. Make sure to have one of these installed when you do a battery re-location kids!
You should always have a fuse installed within 16 inches of the batterie(s) when adding an additional main-power-wire to your car. (the same rule as applies to car audio amplifiers and such)
That way if something ever happens and the wire shorts to ground the fuse will blow instead of lighting your car on fire
Anyway, I also messed around with a little bit of ABS and a peice of cut-to-fit mirror "glass" that I got at the auto-parts store.
I decided to make a (very) little side mirror just to make sure I'm in compliance with the law. That and I kinda miss having a side mirror, they're handy.
Running beltless (with the alternator) seems to be working out swell. I've been able to go two days without the alt. I have definately noticed the reduced load on the engine at cruising speed.
I don't have to press as far down on the gas pedal as normal, it's almost like before I installed the HAI.
The batteries are holding up OK, but then again I haven't had to commute in the early morning when I'd have to use the headlights. Even using the radio reduces the "range" of my batteries noticably.
I'm thinking of investing in some new batteries. The payback period would be about 3500 miles....
We'll see how this latest de-sulphation goes. Maybe it'll get me that extra capacity I need.