Originally Posted by KamperBob
The target angle should be maximum and final. Using 12 degrees and 63 inch bed length the trig works out to a 303 inch radius of curvature. That would be level at the cab and 12 degrees directly over the tailgate with a height drop of 6.6 inches.
If the sides curve in the same amount then 6.6 off each side would make the rear base 13.2 inches narrower than the tail of the truck.
My spreadsheet agrees with you, regarding the measurements using only 12 degrees.
I am planning on 3 degrees between the 1st and 2nd ribs, 6 degrees between the 2nd and 3d ribs, and 12 degrees for the rest of the aerocap. I'm looking at about a 11 inch height and 11 inches narrower from the centerline, at the tail.