That was y'alls idea of a good read? The first 70 pages were a not necessarily accurate regurgitation of prior work; then when he FINALLY got to the new stuff he didn't run any CROSSWIND sims even though x-winds were properly noted as being crucial in the prior art; running and including crosswind results COULD be a game-changer as far as conclusions reached. And then all the typos/grammatical errors in a THESIS. Oy.
Welp . . . some a us ain't as famili-ar wid it as the rest'a ya'lls.
(And I've seen crosswinds ignored around here more than once).
But we remembered our manners in saying thank you for having linked it.
The D-I-Y part of me continues in fascination. Keep it up, all y'all.
Last edited by slowmover; 01-24-2011 at 03:34 PM..