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Old 04-26-2008, 03:07 AM   #5 (permalink)
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Good point about the crosswind issue. The first thing that comes to mind is that the car only experiences apparent velocity (like sailboats' "apparent wind"). The total component is what matters and unless it is really blowing outside or vehicle speed is slow (<45mph), then I'd imagine the wind angle would be pretty shallow. You are right though, it deserves attention.

I've taken the directional benefit from a section I came across in Hucho's book. Everything I write is from memory...and my mind is like a sieve.

Originally Posted by brucepick
I thought I'd make a belly pan flush with the lower edge of side skirts yet to be built. However that would eliminate the "directional" effect of the side skirts that LostCause described. Am I understanding things correctly now?
I'd be more worried about increasing frontal area. Side skirts are only useful because tires already take up frontal area. If I were driving a gyrocar (), I'd leave the skirts out.

- LostCause
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