Originally Posted by bdesj
Angmaar, I agree that some times the equipment needed to make bicycling in bad weather pleasant costs more than it saves. I just get a thrill out of utility biking, and from trying out new bike stuff, so even if it costs me more than I save (and it does), I keep at it. If I didn`t like it, I`d be driving. Also, if you REALLY want to save money at it, google will find you home brew methods for chains or studs and you can bundle yourself up pretty well with more or less the same clothes you use to shovel your driveway. Or you can just drive when the weather is nasty and nobody will think any worse of you for it 
I probably could just wear a pair of mittens and gloves and be just fine. But my parents probably wouldn't trust me biking because they think i'm going to slip and get hurt.

(The chances of that are probably higher in a car) Maybe on one of the warmer days i'll try biking to school.