Originally Posted by MetroMPG
Hint: voting is multiple choice. 
I voted for choice #1, 3, and 4.

'Cause I'm a fence-sitter.
I don't like the idea of an outright ban, either. Sure, more often than not the OP is way off base and/or scamming, but from what I've seen it has been met with appropriate responses; either calling bull or requests (later leading to outright demands!) for legitimate testing and data.
One downside is the extra work to referee these threads by the mods; which are doing a heck of a good job, I might add. C'mon GreenStar guys, we haven't tarred and feathered TOO many hucksters, have we? Hee hee hee.
What would we do without Frank's rants?
I like the idea of a separate category for 'em. Put it in the Off-Topic section underneath The Lounge. Let 'em post it where ever, then as it heats up, the mods can throw it into the padded room to keep the rest of the forum on track. We can take turns going in and wailing on it, tag-team style. Ha ha!