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Old 01-28-2011, 06:39 PM   #425 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by t vago View Post
Okay, so instead of a two molecules of water, you get a molecule of diatomic oxygen and 2 molecules of diatomic hydrogen.
That's a whole world of difference

The point is, burning this stuff requires that you put in approximately 14 times as much power to generate this hydrogen gas, as you're going to get in return, by burning this stuff in an internal combustion engine.
I know it's inefficient when done this way.

You'd be better off introducing an equivalent amount of water into the engine, as you would with these fancy and dangerous HHO mechanisms.
All the HHO rubbish I've read about, do electrolysis, and inject hydrogen and oxygen - not water.

You won't see me using HHO as it's chemical nonsense.
I had never heard of Brown's gas either, despite being trained as a chemist and having worked in the chemical sector for most of my working days.
Obviously, it was named after a scammer

I know it as knalgas (exploding gas)
It's a common demonstration in chemistry or even physics class to produce some H2 and O2 and then blow it up.

You're introducing hydrogen gas that has an octane rating of 130, into a combustion chamber that has gasoline that has a minimum octane rating of 87. Of course, the octane rating of the resulting mixture will go up. Of course, the system will move away from detonation. Of course, that means you can lean out the 87 octane stuff as a result.
The same with LPG and CNG - CNG is even better at preventing detonation so more can be added (70% CNG / 30% Diesel mixtures are running in trucks)

Again, how is this different from water injection?
It's not injecting water, but hydrogen and oxygen.
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