Originally Posted by Phantom
Assuming that you have a newer car the PCM might have to be fooled several ways to get it to work.
I'm afraid of that.
Originally Posted by Phantom
For TCC it most likely will look for the lock signal and determine how it is functioning by looking at the output shaft RPM vs TCC slip.
I've identified both signals, so that should be do-able.
Originally Posted by Phantom
If you command the TCC to lock below 70MPH but mimic the unlocked signal and the converter slip is read as 0-50RPM it should throw a code.
Yes this is a concern.. The code it throws though is a 'stuck TCC' which is resetable on by turn the car off and on again.
Originally Posted by Phantom
What I would try to do first is locate a company that sells a tuner solution for your car (I use HPtuners but they only support GM, Ford, and Dodge.) That is how I tune the shift points, TCC lock, shift Pressure and time.
Tried that.. no takers.
Originally Posted by Phantom
If there is not a tuning solution that you can find for car you could pay for a chip or build a solution like you are thinking. In building a solution it would be best to build a controller to go between sensors, trans, and command wires. In that solution you would need to be able to log the current conditions so you can trick it into thinking it is running normally.
IE. Manually command TCC follow this logic "If MPH<70 then interrupt TCC slip and send represented value of 500RPM slip, other wise pass original signal."
You will need to know the pulses per mile for MPH and probably the same for TCC slip and build a frequency generator.
Hope this helps and does not discourage you.
This is where this may well end up.. although I'm hoping not. What I can't afford to do is to try and replace the TCM, as that has a serial 'CAM-BUS' input that chats to everything in the car. I don't want to have to fake that.
I can fake TC slip easily, that's just some lines of code in a PIC... I can bench test it no problem and have access to an enviromental chamber.. important for automobile applications. (I run the test departement in a small electronics R&D company.. and usually I'm the one called in to fix the problems on the new chips... the chips that don't yet have datasheets)