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Old 01-30-2011, 12:40 AM   #38 (permalink)
EcoModding Lurker
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Okay, update to the thread. My wife and I just took a 250+ mile trip that was mostly highway, and although I didn't average 50, I did average 44+, which is 6 away. Temperatures were in the teens to 20s and all the driving took place at night, which means it was lights all the way. The most significant mod besides the Ultgragauge was a radiator block made from cardboard, which helped raise the engine temperature and possibly the air intake temperature. Driving technique was DWL instead of P&G, and I watched iMPG, MPH, and LOD. Between 58 and 62 mph and on level ground, I found 60% LOD was roughly correspondent to 40 mpg, while 50 -> 50 mpg and 40 -> 60 mpg. However, unless I was heading downhill, 40% LOD was not sustainable. At any rate, with more refinement of DWL and warmer temperatures, I have no doubt I could hit 50 mpg in full highway driving in the summer.

Anyway, for now, 44.4 mpg over 250 miles translates to 153% of combined EPA, or 123% of highway EPA.
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