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Old 01-30-2011, 07:45 PM   #40 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by SentraSE-R View Post
Good going. As I said, I got 49+ mpg on my last two tanks in the rental AT Kia Rio with 3 adults and luggage last Spring, and averaged 43.4 mpg for 3600 miles. It's definitely doable with the right car & a long highway where you can keep speeds around 50-55 mph.
Thanks Sentra SE-R. Your post was one of those that inspired me that this is possible. I'm trying to figure out what else I could do to the car itself to increase my numbers.

For city mileage, DWL seems to yield equal or better numbers than P&G, and results in much smoother driving. The bottleneck seems to be road conditions. In the 1.5 mile route from home to school, there's one stop sign and 4 stoplights. As a result, it's hard to get more than 28 mpg city on that route, day in and out right now. In comparison, when I drive to Walmart a few miles away, even though it's still city driving, there are portions with higher speed limits (45 vs. 30) and less frequent lights, which means I can hit 32 mpg on such routes. I don't know how to make the engine more efficient right now for city driving. I'll keep thinking about it.
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