Originally Posted by RobertSmalls
If you spend too much time out there, e.g. with 20 runs, other parameters like ambient temperature, driver attention, and the weight of fuel in your tank will start to drift, potentially skewing your data.
This is why A-B-A-B testing is better than A-B-A. If there is a trend, you will notice it in both trials.
Extrapolating this: It would be best to do one run with, one run without mods. Then again and again and again. But this of course takes up too much time, so A-B-A-B is the best compromise. If you have time left over, then continue to do another A-B as soon as possible.
e·co·mod·ding: the art of turning vehicles into what they should be
What matters is
where you're going, not
how fast.
"... we humans tend to screw up everything that's good enough as it is...or everything that we're attracted to, we love to go and defile it." - Chris Cornell
[Old] Piwoslaw's Peugeot 307sw modding thread