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Old 02-02-2011, 04:01 AM   #280 (permalink)
EcoModding Lurker
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#1 - My Baby - '91 Honda Civic Hatchback DX
90 day: 35.4 mpg (US)

#2 - White DX - '91 Honda Civic Hatchback DX

#3 - The Beater - '91 Honda Civic Hatchback SI
90 day: 28.94 mpg (US)
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Originally Posted by Frank Lee View Post
What's amazing is that there isn't even more accidents than there are. Your story reminds me of the time I came across a hit deer on the four-lanes. It was dusk; I backed up, trained my high beams on it, and put my four-way flashers on. Do you think anybody so much as let off the gas? A truck driver did, but everyone else blew through there, slamming the brakes and swerving at the very last second. Then the Civic came along... too oblivious for even braking and swerving, it hit that deer square at probably 70 mph and the brakes lights never came on. I watched in amazement as the whole car caught some major air, then crashed down in a shower of sparks and shards of plastic. I caught up to it several miles later- easy to do, since his front wheels were splayed out with more extreme caster than even the lowest V-Dub and he or she was going about 10 mph. Heh heh SCHAUDENFREUDE!!!! Pay attention in the future, Buck-O!
Oooo, I've done that. In my defense, I did see it from as far away as my low beams would allow. It just seemed that over it was the best way out of the situation. Swerving left would have been mine and someone else's death. A serve right would have just been mine. Stopping would have put the RV towing a SUV that I'd just passed a few seconds earlier in a bad spot. It was a narrow winding mountain road at night with a speed limit of 65mph. I was going the speed limit which was slower than I had been going before the sunset. I have pictures. They're in my profile under #1 - My Baby's album. I certainly faired better than the guy you saw. Your post helps drive home just how lucky I was. Take away moral - never forget your defensive driving lessons even/especially when you are tired, cranky, and running late.

And to not risk hijacking the thread. Anyone who is following you extremely close for any length of time has by definition matched your speed. So if you slow down, say by tapping your brakes, he'll hit you and you won't feel it. It probably won't even leave a mark. You can get pushed down the road at that point and have little say in the matter, especially if it is a larger vehicle doing the pushing. And should he decide to change lanes while pushing you down the road you stand a good chance of heading for the trees. That is a dangerous game to play.
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