02 sensors detect combustibles not 02
the "wide band AFR sensors" do cycle
like an 02 sensor
you can not measure it with a low resolution scan tool but i have graphed and logged AFR sensors cycling rapidly 
when they stop cycling
they are deader than dog poop , as they are used on newer systems , the system will set a DTC ... well before you need to start checking
unless they loose the zero and start misreporting actual conditions
monitor LTFT and watch for LTFT and STFT to be on opposite sides of zero by upwards of 10 percent
of course
a misreporting rear 02 sensor or an exhaust leak near either the AFR sensor or rear 02 sensor can send fuel trims to opposite extremes.
newer systems with AFR sensor DO trim on the rear 02 sensor as well as the front AFR sensor
if you are using a HIGH RESOLUTION scan tool with a FAST update rate
you can graph STFT , tighten up the upper and lower limits to bracket the range of cycling
since STFT responds to inputs from the AFR sensor , graphing STFT is almost as good and will show if the AFR sensor flat lines
you can also look at
MODE 6 for system testing to monitor AFR sensor condition s like range and response time and heater condition
if you do not have a hi res scope and a hi res scan tool for your system
best to not be tampering with this
Last edited by mwebb; 02-03-2011 at 11:29 PM..
Reason: AFR trim R02 trim