I have acquired a very nice Black Porsche Boxster, missing the engine and transmission. The idea is to make this one fast car, but still Eco friendly.
Could use some input. My MGeo is still #1 priority, but I need to start planning ahead.
I could go all-electric and make it a "Rich Mans Telsa" (i.e, a Rich Man knows not to pay $100k for a car he can buy for $50k

But I'm thinking make it even better than a Tesla and make it a Plug-In Hybrid, so it can be lighter and go farther, and potentially even faster.
My thinking is to swap in the drivetrain from a salvage Prius that I already have and this will line-up with my Prius work, but it needs to go much faster and have more electric power. Hmmmmmmmmm, what do you guys think?
Jack Murray
Nimble Motorsports