pickup aerocap design question
I've gradually been acquiring materials all winter and its time to get my a$$ in gear.
design of overall shape: I'm trying to maximize space in the bed while still resulting in an improvement in fuel economy. overall slope is planned to be between 12 and 15 degrees leading edge to trailing edge with a 4-6inch over hang on upper trailing edge and sides of the cap on the trailing edge to act as a kamm.
Would you guess there would be any appreciable gain rounding the edges that slope towards the center so that it resembles more of a cylinder to reduce wake vorticies or just a 90 degree corner along the sides resulting in a slightly higher amount of storage.
To further clarify the over all shape in question, if you were standing at the rear looking at a 2 dimensional image of the trailing surface: shape 1 with rounded top would resemble a fraction of a circle vs a rectangle.