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Old 02-05-2011, 07:27 PM   #4 (permalink)
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Join Date: Dec 2010
Location: Springfield, OH
Posts: 116

truck - '94 Ford F150 XLT
90 day: 13.15 mpg (US)

civic - '00 Honda Civic EX
90 day: 36.24 mpg (US)
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I'm not asking whether to drive in such a way as to keep RPM's high or low, if anyone's confused... I realize in general the engine operates more efficiently at lower RPM. But there's a difference between cruising through town at 35mph and ~1500 rpm and driving down the highway at 65mph and ~2000 rpm. I'm asking which provides more fuel econ benefit: enhancing low rpm performance or high rpm performance.

Frank I have definitely noticed that most performance mods for these trucks seem designed to give more high rpm power. Are there any to enhance low end torque? and which would help my fuel econ more?

As an example, I am under the impression that as far as exhaust, long tube headers enhance high rpm power at the expense of low end torque while shorties do the opposite. Is that correct?
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